Thursday 19 May 2016

Using Zbrush brushes and shortcuts

This guy is a bit dry in his delivery but this is a brief run through a few brush types and potential uses.

Note his use of the hot keys.

You'll probably find five or six brushes which you'll get used to and then use regularly.

The brush short-cuts come in three letter combinations, always starting with a B (opening the brush palette) and bearing some relation to the name of the brush.

These are some common combinations:

Brush pop-up - B 
Brings up the brush palette.

STandard Brush - B - S - T
A soft fall-off build up for general use.

MoVe Brush - B - M - V
Useful for pushing your sculpt into shape.

MPolish - B - M - P
Flattens areas to a plane

Clay Buildup - B - C - B
General brush with a fairly hard edge by default. A good "go to" brush for building and cutting in.

Slash3 - B - S - 3
A fine cutting in brush with a large fall-off. Slices in fine lines.

INlflate - B - I - N
Useful for pumping the volume of your mesh. Can subtly add roundness or help to close a crease by adding volume to the "sides of the valley"

It's important to remember your modifier keys too. There are two basics:

Holding Alt (over the mesh while sculpting)
Inverts the brush. ZAdd brushes become ZSub(tract) and vice versa. Some brushes have specific alternate effects.

Holding Shift (over the mesh while sculpting)
Activate the selected smooth brush. Alternating between your current brush and the smooth brush while sculpting is a useful method.

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